Friday, January 6, 2012 | 11:22 PM | 0 hearts♥
FINALLY SOMETHING AWESOME HAPPENED IN THIS MISERABLE WEEK.First, i have to say that i have made myself yet another large plate of lasagna. Okay, i should probably stop blogging about my food but its so gooood ohmygod. Okay, back to the more important things.
I have to only endure another 2 weeks of school before i get to go back to Malaysia for CNY(where the food is just plain awesome). So i'll miss a few days of school just like i would every single year while the whole school celebrates CNY, i would be in a car, going to Penang! And because i really can't stand school. And what the shit, we are doing tubing for mass PE. And we must pay $16 for it.

Oh how i missed this school's insanity.
ANYWAY, i should go and study for some pop quiz on chemical eqn next week WHICH i have totally forgot what it is. Yes, i am a little dumb beyond repair. Also, i have realized that i would be in deep shit if i continue skipping my CCA like i did for the past 2 years. Yeah, it can possibly affect my future. But i really hate everything about it, c'mon, look at me! I cant even learn to love my school. So yeah, i must sort out my priorities. Soon.