rewatched this again ^^
I first watched it some time last year when i stumbled upon its trailer on youtube. I decided to watch it again when one of my old english teacher said she might allow me to use this movie for lessons aka exploring the depths and unraveling the hidden words behind this classic dystopian story.
This story was an alternate reality in which diseases are eliminated and life is elongated, but at the cost of the lives of many humans. But it is justified by the masses, as the humans are clones, so it is not a tragedy for them to have to donate their organs until they die, if they can save the normal humans. It is the story of friendship, betrayal, jealousy, love, loss and acceptance of three main characters: Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy, three of such clones trying to live and love in the last years of their short lives.
I grew up on dystopian fiction. Futuristic worlds in which everything is perfect, but truly nothing is perfect. Matched, Uglies, and The Hunger Games were a few of these dystopias. But what struck me in this movie is that never did any of the characters try to resist their horrible reality. It seems in all the dystopian fiction I read, the realization of the truth lead the main characters to rise up against their horrible reality and try to make it better. But Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy did no such thing. They simply accepted this awful hand they had been dealt and tried to find small happiness in their horrible reality.
I'm pretty much done with all the ispl tests except for ss ugh. I can hardly stay awake during mdm jayanthi's class because she is so so extremely boring. Like, more boring than my chinese teachers which is REALLY saying something because who the hell would be interested in a book filled with monstrous words?
But that aside, here's how my extremely boring 2 weeks went (if anybody is even interested) :
1. Drums & percussion workshop. It was....fine i guess. Except that the whole hitting of the drums filled the entire room with dust and it got into my contact lens. Which was why i had an eye infection for the 2nd time in my life. And let's just say that i still obnoxiously wore my contacts for the next few days of school despite the infection. Whatever.
2. Youth Day holiday. Went out with taffy, quinn and zar. Lunched @ pasta mania, shopped around westmall & jurong point and ate soghurt. ^__^
And look at the badges we bought!
It was just tooooo adorable >w<
3. Cutted(?) my hair. And i dont understand why everybody gets so depressed when they cut their hair. Like they go all "awww i miss my long hair" "i wish i never cut my hair" "look my ponytail so short now. i dont like!" etc.
Like my joy increases as more locks of my hair gets snipped away.
Does anyone feel this way or is it just me?
Maybe its normal for people to get depressed by cutting their hair.
Maybe im from outer space.
Before you know it, they're gone.
I can't understand why you would ever do that to me. I don't remember offending you even in the slightest way nor do i remember doing ANYTHING that deserved that kind of treatment from you. I really want to shut you out of my life but i can't. And the worst part is, you dare to look me in the eye every single day as if it's my fault. Maybe yes, its partly my fault for not understanding you, but i'm not challenged in the least here. Yes, i stopped trying to please you because i have been accommodating to all your bullshit for far too long.
And this is where you lose. Because if you stop and think about it you'll realize that i am the only person that would tolerate your nonsense. But i can't take it anymore. You have to realize that some things don't always go your way and you have to DEAL WITH IT. I'm not going to stick around anymore, nor stand up for you. I'm done. Its just like Kim Harrison once said:
But i don't have the time.
Nor the money.
And whats up with my body anyways. I get hungry every 3 hours wts.
Yet when i want to eat, my body goes all imnothungryanymorebecauseyoudidn'tfeedmefastenough.
And i feel really alone nowadays. It’s really ironic that even though there’s Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter & a lot more social media sites, sometimes i still feel disconnected with the world. I still feel alone. I still feel like no one understands me.
Anyway, this has been a short post because i have an essay to finish.
Turns out food poisoning doesn't last that long. Thank god.
Anyway, i'm exhausted nowadays. I don't even know why. Well actually it might be because of me sleeping too late at night but it never affected me this badly. I can hardly keep my eyes open and all i want to do all day is sleep. What's wrong with me... Oh well, i better go sleep now. BYE FOR NOW! (:

I can't eat anything, not even porridge, without throwing it up eventually. I visited the toilet 8 times this morning.
My stomach hurts.
I have to refrain from throwing up too much because i have to keep the medicine down or i'll never get better.
All i can do is sleep all day. I can hardly keep track of time.
And i really need to do my homework.
Labels: Evonne gets sick too, first world problems, need sleep again, ugh, what is this pain

#Delirium trilogy #Alex Sheathes #Julian Fineman #OMG #Amor Deliria
I have mixed emotions, a lot of mixed emotions. I'm kinda happy that i would finally be freed from the boredom at home but i don't think i can explain to my chinese teacher why half of my holiday homework is undone. And no, i can't do it now cuz apparently i told my dad to read the story on my behalf so i don't have to see those monstrous chinese wordings (hehe) but he...well he lost it. Oh well.
I don't know why i'm updating my blog now when i should probably be doing my homework. I have lots of them to complete and so little time but meh, i'm just here blogging and painting my nails hehee. :3 Don't ask me why i'm painting my nails when the school is probably gonna go on and on about colored nails as if it is gonna affect my studies. It makes no sense.
Also, i've finished reading Pandemonium, Divergent and Insurgent too. Why is it all the last books of the trilogy are not out yet? I have nothing left to do now.

Yes, its a trilogy! Currently reading Pandemonium and awaiting the final book of the trilogy to be released in 2013. And it MIGHT even be made into a movie, though its not confirmed yet, scripts has already been made!
Anyway, it all started when i went to the library with my beloved thinzar!
but i haven't watched it yet -.- And everybody's telling me how awesome it is but i haven't watched it yet ugh it kills me. ><
So i forced Zar to watch with me this Sunday! ^-^ OH YEAH~

I think THG would be enough to cheer me up since i've been kinda sad/moody/crazy/pissed/ANGRY-GURRRR this week. AND i never stay sad for longer than 2 hours so this week has been really rough. Glad its the weekend, at least i can remain in my happy-penguin state for 2 days, yayy :D
And i need to rant abit here cuz ugh i have to get this off my chest somehow. So i know you hate/dislike/whatever-you're-feeling me, but you don't have to give me a disgusted stare halfway through class do you. I know you don't like me, I GET THAT so please stop with your deadly stares because from the way i see it, you should probably spend more time listening in class. I mean c'mon, its sec 3, you shouldn't waste your time showing your obviously extreme hatred towards me, thanks.

So.... sorry. Not really trying to make things any worse than it already is, i was ranting. Cuz its bugging me and really quite pointless if you ask me.
So i have so much admiration for Santana Lopez now cuz omg, she's my idol. I can practically write an essay about why she's my favourite. I know what you're thinking: "the bitch of the show? REALLY? Why?"
1. She keeps it real and she's hilarious. Her words, not mine. I love her sarcasm and cynicism and you have to admit it, they're really witty.
2. That girl's not afraid of a fight. Sure, sometimes she loses horribly but it never gets her down. She never gets beaten down. And thats why she wins, in her own way. CUZ THAT'S HOW THEY DO IT IN LIMA HEIGHTS! YOU GO, GIRL!
4. I love the way she talks. My two favourite lines she said? We'z be goin' to Breadstix,” and of course, “Now, get out of my way please, a-fores I ends you.”
And also how she starts talking spanish when she's angry.
5. She has her downs in life and when she cries, ITS SO HEARTWARMING *sob sob* There's much to be said here, but im afraid i wouldn't be able to do it justice. *sob sob*
6. Naya Rivera's voice. I don't know how to describe it but there is this special thing about it that i can't describe. WHATEVER, SHE'S JUST AWESOME. Love her voice (: (:

Failure is an event, not a person.
We don’t always make wise decisions and when we fail, we sometimes feel like everything we do next will be wrong as well. It’s stupid to think that way ‘cause it’s human to commit mistakes. What’s more important is what you will do to correct what you’ve done wrong. So don’t be too harsh on yourself. You’re not a failure; no one is.

and i never really got it back.
....they won't.
I feel like i should be crying or screaming or something but i can't.
I go silent and don't talk very much.
I just sit there, and think.

It means no worries for the rest of your days ♥

And i put on the most depressing music and i become:

It's not a good thing.
No one in my class can get used to listening in class again.
That includes me.
We're so used to being hyper.
You can't make us sit down quietly and listen anymore.
This school is insane.
Camp was awesome. So i don't know why anyone would hate it or dread it but if you do, you are probably those people i hate.
And i was really hyper today in school, especially in maths class. Idk, i found everything so freaking hilarious :D HAHA i could feel mr goh's patience wearing thin but i was too busy laughing to care about anything. And i really didn't know what he was teaching today. TOTALLY HYPER.
Well, that was until after school when i read something i shouldn't have. UGHHH it... kinda saddens me? And the catch is, i'm not supposed to be. So i was moody after that but because i'm Evonne and Evonne hides things really well, nobody knew. And then i went for chinese test in which i would fail but i didn't have the mood to do it anymore.
And then i got happy again because i received the most meaningful message ever.
Thanks Kat. I really needed that. But then i received another message which made me sad again. SORRY. I LOVE YOU KAT.
before i leave. I really don't wanna blog about school because that's really boring. And it makes me pessimistic so.. I'll just keep this real short (:
School's fine, i guess. Kinda adjusted to it now, and besides, our class is really bonded. And everybody is just really nice. Yeah i know how whiny i have been about school ; that's what you get for making me wake up at 6 every morning. You get angry-Evonne. And if you want me to name the most boring class ever? MATHS. And its almost always 1 and a half hour. I don't think it's really fair that the school made us have maths everyday and blame us for sleeping. I mean, what do you expect?

And people are just waiting for me to do something..extraordinary. And i have to impress them before they decide that i was forgettable and leave me to rot in a corner. That i have to shine, just so i will be remembered.
I don't like it. I don't like school. I can't name a lesson that i actually like. And its only been 2 weeks but i'm already tired of doing the same thing everyday: Wake up, go to school, come back home, bathe, do homework, eat, finish homework, too tired to do anything else, sleep. And it goes on and on. I don't want to impress people, but i don't want to be left in a corner either. I don't wanna be in the spotlight, but i wanna be heard. It's confusing.
First, i have to say that i have made myself yet another large plate of lasagna. Okay, i should probably stop blogging about my food but its so gooood ohmygod. Okay, back to the more important things.
I have to only endure another 2 weeks of school before i get to go back to Malaysia for CNY(where the food is just plain awesome). So i'll miss a few days of school just like i would every single year while the whole school celebrates CNY, i would be in a car, going to Penang! And because i really can't stand school. And what the shit, we are doing tubing for mass PE. And we must pay $16 for it.

Oh how i missed this school's insanity.
ANYWAY, i should go and study for some pop quiz on chemical eqn next week WHICH i have totally forgot what it is. Yes, i am a little dumb beyond repair. Also, i have realized that i would be in deep shit if i continue skipping my CCA like i did for the past 2 years. Yeah, it can possibly affect my future. But i really hate everything about it, c'mon, look at me! I cant even learn to love my school. So yeah, i must sort out my priorities. Soon.
The inevitable has arrived and it is here to stay for a long long time. School.
It is horrible. But like i said, it's here to stay. So learn to love it. Or i'll probably be miserable all year round, which is highly possible. And have i mentioned how i almost fell out of my chair because i was too sleepy in class? So great. But anyway, it's during maths, so...sorry Mr Goh, i wasn't implying that your lessons are boring. No-no, they are just awesome but i didnt sleep the whole night so...sorry.
Oh and because i usually become very pessimistic when school starts, this is what i was thinking about all week. Someone wrote it.
When I was a baby, all I had to do to make someone’s day was to smile.
Now, to do that, I have to mess up. I have to make mistakes. I have to fail.
As pessimistic as it sounds, it is true. People don't want you to succeed. People want to see you fall. And yeah, whatthehell right.
Oh and i will not be blogging so frequently because of school and i really need to have my teachers to like me which has proved almost impossible. It's okay, i take my chances. And i really think i'm socially awkward now because i have only made 3 friends and conversed with 4 new people for the whole week. Yeah, awkward turtle.
Little emotional moment coming up. You should probably exit my blog now.
You used to be someone who could easily make me smile. In your little ways, you made me happy. Even your smile could brighten up my day.
You used to be someone so patient. I’d make you wait when I’m having a bad day, push you away when I feel like it, and you knew enough to never leave, even if I gave you enough reasons to.
You used to be someone I know so well. One look, sometimes that’s all it takes. One-word replies worked for us. Even in the way you text, I could easily tell if you’re having a bad day. And of course, before, I knew what to do to turn things around.
You used to be someone I love to text. Everyday about almost anything. Even during weekends when all I wanted to do was chat ‘cause I wanted to rant about the last 5 days I spent in school, the works I hated doing and the teachers I wanted to punch in the face. You were there.
Things have changed, and now, everything that used to be easy is hard. Everything that used to feel comfortable is awkward. I miss who you used to be, but who you used to be is gone. And I know I have to be okay with that, ‘cause I know I’ve changed too.
I know i have whined so much about this already but no, i am still very sad okay.
God i love Darren so much and yet i'm not gonna be seeing him on broadway.

Also, all I want is Chris Colfer to hug me too.
If i was Chris, i'd be unable to get my hands off myself.

Ugh the mere thought of it ugh ugh. There is nothing great about school. The food there is horrible, the chairs are yellow like why is it yellow is it a desperate attempt at making the classroom more lively or is it because our principal likes yellow but the chairs are yellow and dirty they look like rotten cheese. Also, what the hell is mass PE? Is it a time where everyone exercises together because there is no need for it i don't need anyone else to see how incapable i am of exercising. And i hate my school uniform. It's just so not attractive and makes everybody look like a nun. I think it makes me look like a hippo though. That's a bad thing. And my hair is still screwed. I couldn't salvage my hair, its very much ruined. I'm not gonna face anyone unnecessarily. I wish i could wear a hat. Again, i blame my school.
I'm done with this post, gotta go set 10 alarm clocks just so I'm not late for school tmr.
And because everyone's having a bad day cuz school officially starts tmr ..

I actually still have a little bit of chinese. But i am too lazy to actually think about it. Besides, i don't know where the chinese book went to. Looks like i'm not meant to read that book. But yeah, i haven't bothered to look for the book anyways. I need someone's answers. I'll settle that in the morning, it's late and i need to sleep. Also, i need to bathe like now but i actually can't get my body to move to the bathroom. DON'T TELL ME THAT BATHING IS PERSONAL HYGIENE AND IMPORTANT. I got issues with being naked, even if i'm the only one looking okay?! I REALLY HAVE ISSUES. This is not excuses for not bathing okay.
Okay maybe it is.
My body refuses to move, nothing i can do about it.
Also, i need to distract myself from my hair which looks awful after going to the hairdressers. It's so hideous i have considered blocking all mirrors with paper. I can't face anyone at school now, yayy. No seriously, it's horrible ugh ugh ugh.
The only thing i can console myself with is that everyone has had a bad haircut some time in their life. I feel so much better now.
And, 2012 will be a good year for all klainers because kurt & blaine will have their first anniversaries for everything as boyfriends. YAYYYY :D
But then i think about how busy my schedule will be once school starts and i feel like i've just been dropped back to the ground from paradise. It hurts. I won't even have time to ship klaine anymore, sighh. My life will be over.
Oh and also, i have re-installed missing e. I just miss the one-click reblogging too much.
I've gotta go figure out something to do with my hair. Maybe i'll be a monk after all. Maybe i'll just have to tolerate the comments people will make when they see my hair. Maybe i have to be mean to these people. Either way, i have to go. Happy new year people, stay awesome, and be mean to people. Good day to all of you.
the first episode scared me ;X
...what? Okay, i know, i'm not supposed to be scared of that. I know. But i am scared of everything after all. Don't judge me please?
Okay you can judge me. Go ahead, judge me.

Y'know, i might get a few sleepless nights now. And that's not a good thing because i need my sleep, especially since school's gonna start.
But American Horror Story is nice. And it is such times in my life that i actually wish i wasn't so scared of everything. UGH.
Now i need to get my mind off the horror stuff. What am i even talking about, there is only 1% of horror in the whole show. Ohmygod Evonne, please just stop being such a coward.
SIGH. Here i come Glee, let me watch you for the 1000000th time and still cry. Here i come.

And everytime Chris Colfer appears on my dash :

You're so beautiful AHHH <3
I cant decide what is the colour of his eyes. Sometimes it looks green and sometimes its blue. AND SOMETIMES ITS A MIXTURE OF BOTH. OMG i wonder what people think of me shipping a gay couple. Do you people think im weird?
Though if you're homophobic, now might be a good time to leave my blog.
it's not scary.
Well, it is.
but fear is natural, fear is good:
it just means you're growing."
how much movies and books affect me. I'm such a weeper. Please don't judge me, I'm just a girl who cries a lot, no, please don't judge me.
And i might start reading The Maze Runner. But not so soon cuz I'm busy nowadays. Many people say its a good book and i DO need a good book now so i can stop re-reading THG. oops. Don't judge me again, just a girl who re-read books that are achingly beautiful and make me cry.
And i'm so ecstatic right now because i have made myself a huge serving of baked rice with lots of cheese :P YUM. And I'm currently gobbling it down, oh god its so delicious nomnomnom can i have another plate of this goodness OH GOD.
Yeah which also brings me to my next point, i don't think i will be underweight again this year. If you didn't know, last term, the report card stated that i was underweight which is kinda stupid because i eat like 24 hrs a day and i have KFC almost every week. How the hell can i be underweight? That is why i was convinced the machine was faulty but anyway, even if i was underweight last term, i won't be this year because look at what i just ate. Say hi to a fat-me (:
Also, if my teachers ask me what i've been doing during my holiday:
CATS. I've been spending time with my cats. That's what i've been doing.
Why am i not seeing Darren Criss on Broadway?

Im just really sad now okay.

i found out who's gonna teach my class next year.
Its okay, i have no feelings because i dont know half the teachers.
And then i saw 3s2 timetable. And i saw Chris. HAHAHA. NOO i want my English teacher's name to be Chris too!
But then i realize that it would be weird. ;C
And then i saw who my PE teacher was gonna be.

whaat.. You are kidding me right? It has ruined my day. GURR.
And i saw my english teacher :P
Everybody says she's nice. Guess who got another awesome English teacher? :D
And if you're having a bad day like me:

Here is Chris Colfer being all cute and smiling.
And because im still having an awful day:


Too many GIFs? No-no, i think its perfect. :D
And you know its been raining alot recently so the weather is just so cold.
And it just happens that the shower refuses to give me hot water to bathe in.
I think i'm turning into an ice cube soon.
Anyway, wanna know my new year resolutions? I know its still early but i'm already all planned up!
Evonne Saw's New Year Resolutions
1. The most cliche of course, I will work hard this year.
2. Not disappoint anyone including myself in terms of academics and other stuff.
3. Make sure this will be the best year ever. I won't let anyone ruin it for me.
4. Start taking chances and not regret them.
5. Stop being so angry all the time.
6. Start being nicer to people, even when they don't deserve it.
7. Smile. Even when i don't feel like it.
8. Start cherishing those around me and be thankful for everything i have.
9. Have enough sleep.
10. Actually make my teachers like me. (this is gonna be hard)

And March 23 is achingly far away, i dont even wanna do anything until i get to watch THG. I dont wanna do anything productive until March 23. And im starting to hate Glee for having so many hiatuses:

sighh why am i so angry nowadays?
Im an angry bitch today , wow. Im usually very nice.
When I said, I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said, Don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight
Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
Don't you dare look out your window darling
Everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby
Even when the music's gone
Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound...
I wish Taylor Swift sings more of such songs though.
Labels: #THG #Rue #omg
And anyway, its my last week of paradise and im sad. Like duh. No-no, im like seriously sad okay. And there is no way i'll be able to get up at 6am in the morning for school. No way. And i should probably cut my fringe, or pin it up. Either way i'll look stupid *shrug* I wish i was a monk. Monks are cool.
And im convinced my tuition teacher hates me. It isnt much of a big news anyway. All my teachers have always hated me because im not good at the subject they teach. You'd think they'll try to be a little nicer but no . Its okay though, you guys are just teachers, i dont need you to like me.
Seems like im doing a little too much hating on Christmas Eve so i'll switch my emotions now.
What I need is the dandelion in the spring.
The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction.
The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses.
That it can be good again.
And only Peeta can give me that.
So when he whisper ,
"You love me."
"Real or not real?"
I tell him,
That part was just so beautiful i had to type it out.
There isn't alot of reasons i hate THG, considering that im a huge fan of the trilogy, but i do hate some parts of it. Mainly the casualty count.
1. Peeta's family: THIS SUCKS. I wish Peeta would still have his family, especially when Katniss and Gale got out alive with their family. Maybe it isnt necessary to include his family but it depress Peeta more & I DONT LIKE A SAD PEETA.
2. Finnick Odair: SCREW THIS SHIT. This man just got married to the love of his life, Annie. How can they make this happen to her?! UGHHHH. And they made Finnick die in the hands of those fugly mutts. And annie was pregnant then! GURRRR.
3. Prim Everdeen: WTS? This is her sister, the one Katniss tried so hard to save all along, right from the start when she volunteered to take her place in the hunger games. How can you make her die?!!? Katniss lived for her sister and now she has nothing to live for.
4. Cinna: NOOOOOO. They didnt mention it in the book but i assume it implies they tortured him and killed him in Book 2. Does Katniss really have to lose everyone dear to her? I really liked that she had Cinna as a confidante and now she has no one . And i liked Cinna ;<
5. Boggs & Mitchell: ANOTHER DEATH. It feels as if everyone who gets close to Katniss to protect her, ends up sacrificing themselves to protect her.
6. Madge and her family: Will the death count ever stop? I know they didnt mention it but i hope this means that Madge didnt suffer. She was a good friend to Katniss and the mockingjay pin did after all, came from her.
7. Random Capitol Citizen: This is when i realized Katniss have changed. No more compassion from her. She will kill anyone who gets in her way of killing Snow. Unless your name is Peeta. Sorry woman, wrong place at the wrong time.
8. Rue: Saddest of all. I know if Katniss & Peeta had to get out of the arena alive, the rest must die. But i wish that she wouldnt have died so soon, especially when they were such good friends. I wish Rue had somehow escaped the-spear-to-her-adomen sort of death, what a painful way to die. How will i survive when they show Rue dying in the theatre? *sniffles*
But anyway, i really hope nobody makes the movie into some crappy twilight kind of movie. The trailer seems to center more around the action than the romance ; which is good. Please people, no 'Team Gale' or 'Team Peeta' crap okay? This is not twilight.

“Peeta’s argument is that since I chose you, I now owe him. Anything he wants. And what he wants is the chance to go in again and protect you,” says Haymitch.
I knew it. In this way, Peeta’s not hard to predict. While I was wallowing around on the floor of that cellar, thinking only of myself, he was here, thinking only of me. Shame isn’t a strong enough word for what I feel.
“You could live a hundred lifetimes and not deserve him, you know,” Haymitch says.
And i should probably go and sleep now because i got English tuition early tmr morning but no , guess what im doing ?

uh huh . Reading . I guess i still like the first book the most, i like the whole arena part :> Because of REASONS.
Labels: #you love me: real or not real #real #may the odds be ever in your favor #THE CAVE SCENE ASDFGHJ